Yes, it's true. Vermont has a couple of extra seasons.
And right now, we are celebrating one of those "in-betweens" ...
Welcome to "Stick" Season

Most of the foliage has scattered, and the snow hasn't arrived just yet...although I just found out one of the biggest ski resorts in the area is already open. Holy Hannah, I'm not sure I am ready!
I will enjoy the deeper, darker colors and beautiful trees as they are, for as long as I can.

We are heading into our third stick season at Fischer Arts. Hard to believe!
And to celebrate, we are having a Stick Season Sale.
Online - and in a special spot in the gallery - you will find pieces from our antique print collection -
up to 25% off.
In the meantime, I will be prepping the winter window for the next of Vermont's six seasons.
See you soon!